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Monday, January 7, 2013

Preparing for another hospital visit

Cliff is headed back to Phoenix Children's Hospital next week to have a G-tube put in. This will hopefully alleviate a bit of the congestion he has had with the ng-tube in place and make life a little easier on him. I'm sure he'll appreciate not being tethered as he learns to crawl.

The surgery itself is normally out-patient but with Cliff's heart condition they plan to keep him overnight to watch and see how he does. Hopefully the procedure will go fine and we'll be back home the next day.

We'll keep you posted.


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Huge Thanks

We are so grateful for all the wonderful people who have helped us, are are helping us through this experience.

Our families have been great support systems for us and have given so much of their time and their talents to benefit Cliff.

We also have so many good friends who have given way more than we could have possibly imagined, sometimes a moment's notice.

To everyone we offer a heartfelt thanks! We really, truly could not do this without you.

An Inspiring Thought

Here's one quote that inspires us.
"There is no growth in the comfort zone; there is no comfort in the growth zone."
If I could figure out who to attribute this to I would, but the Internet isn't quite sure who said it.

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Need to get a hold of us? Have a question? Want to talk about how the Tottenham Hotspurs are doing? No Problem!

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